Freezer pops, ears of corn, fresh raspberries, and grilling--that’s what I think about when asked what I remember about summer meals (and what I hope Maryn will enjoy too!) What made these things even better was eating them at camp.
I struggle when thinking about the many kids in our local communities who rely so heavily on school breakfast and lunch. And, what happens when school is out for the summer when families struggle to replace these meals with a limited budget.
For too many children, summer can be a hungry season. However, there are ways you can help:
If you are sending your kids to an event, send an extra sandwich, fruit, or bar with them to share.
Take advantage of deals while grocery shopping and share with neighbors or summer camps (if possible).
Share extra produce from your garden or farm share. Whether that’s at events, or at the end of your driveway!
If you can get to summer meal sites, offer to pick up for other families who are not able to get there during their working hours.
Help spread the word about free summer meals by sharing the Maine DOE summer meal finder: https://www.maine.gov/doe/hotlunchsummer or feedkids.me for more information about food and resources available across Maine.
Donate funds to your local food cupboard or Good Shepherd Food Bank.
Donate time to your local food cupboards and/or summer meal programs
Together, we can help children in our community create happier summer memories.