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Food Center Friday: "Small Enough To Do, Big Enough to Matter"

Writer's picture: PR Food CenterPR Food Center

Small enough to do and big enough to matter has been part of the PR Food Center philosophy long before the building was acquired! The concept that we can encourage small acts with sustainable impact drives many of our programs (small and large!).

The past few weeks have been busy here.

As many of you know PR Food Center hosted another Special Food Distribution at the Piscataquis County Ice Arena. It was a successful distribution and everyone was grateful for the sun. Shout-out to Central Hall Commons for loaning us hot water carafes- they sure came in handy and helped everyone stay warm. Additional shout out to Spruce Mill Farm & Kitchen for their donation of sweet treats! We are still crunching those numbers and will share them publicly soon!

PR Food Center also had an opportunity to be on camera! We were asked, as one of nine organizations, all of which have received funding through United Way, to be a part of a culminating video showcasing success and impact that each organization has had on their communities through the support of United Way of Eastern Maine. Folks came to film the distribution at the Ice Arena as well as a distribution in Dexter. We're keeping an eye out for the finished video and will share as soon as possible.

As the light lengthens and the spring birds begin to call, so too are some of our seasonal projects making more of an appearance. Our program Garden in a Box is beginning to take shape and this coming week Gardeners from last year will receive their 2021 binders. Photos of the contents and some other spring-related Garden in Box news soon! We're also beginning to plan for FarmShare for Homebound Seniors 2021. Information on the program and ways for qualifying seniors to sign up will be posted soon.

In between the increase in Spring energy, the team has been mindful to take pauses. There is always a to-do list, and many tasks, however pausing to chat at the proverbial water cooler (and quite metaphorical, as we don't have one in our office!) is so important and makes tending to the to-do list much more manageable!

As always; call us at (207) 802-8230 or visit our website if you or someone you know is interested in food resources!

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