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As told by KIDS: a visit from Trisha Smith means seedlings, worm care and fun in Mr.Murray's cla


In the beginning of February children in Mr.Murray's class at SeDoMoCha had a chance to play in the dirt. How is that possible, you might wonder- in February, in the middle of the winter?

Thanks to Trisha Smith, that's how! Trisha Smith is the community and home horticulture education assistant at Piscataquis county's University of Maine Cooperative Extension. With a little help from Trisha and Mr. Murray, kids were able to plant microgreens of kale and spinach with a growlight. Mr.Murray shared that kids "...also checked on our worm bin and gave them some more water." The young growers also drew about their experience planting in soil and tending to microgreen seedlings. It's pretty neat that kids had opportunities for hands-on learning with seeds and soil during the winter season.

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