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Amy McGill

Food Center Spotlight- Rod Willey

Rod Willey is the current Board President for Piscataquis Regional Food Center. Rod's experiences include twenty years in service to the mission of the Charlotte White Center, assisting people with various disabilities in finding personal growth and building a greater connection with their community. His roles for CWC included front line work, resource coordination and five years of service as a senior manager. He then served as director of the local YMCA, working with them to transition both the workforce and facility to better meet future needs. Rod has a background in residential energy, and brought those skills to Dave's World for a time as they continute to grow a local, thriving business. He currently works as a consultant for Northeast Wilderness Trust and Alder Stream LTD, performing a variety of roles to help preserve the health and ensure the sustainability of over 17,000 local, wild acres of land

in the Atkinson area. Rod lives in Sangerville with his wife, Heather, and their daughter, Meriel.

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