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#Thankful for the Bowerbank Fire Dept.


For our final #ThankfulThursday of November, we wanted to give a huge public thank you to Chuck Wasel and his partners and members of the Bowerbank Fire Department.

This group of caring individuals gave up an evening with family to do some serious demolition to our warehouse and prepare it for insulation and remodeling. This group managed to get done in just a few hours what it would have taken our intrepid Building Manager Steve Grammont weeks if not more to complete.

In the words of John Heywood, “Many hands make light work”, and in this case it lightened the workload for Steve and you could hear the laughter and camaraderie from this group of volunteers all through the evening at the warehouse and afterward as they sat down to dinner to celebrate their handiwork.

When there are large projects like the tear down of walls, ceilings, and other fixtures to make way for the new improvements coming, having a group like this volunteer their time is invaluable. Our mission cannot be achieved without the generosity, volunteerism, and caring from community members and groups like the Bowerbank Fire Department.

What’s next for the warehouse? Insulation is coming this week and then on to the next phase of construction. Check back soon to see what we have finished and who has helped us with the project.

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