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Hunger Action Month


We wrapped up Hunger Action Month at Thompson Free Library with a Feeding with Reading Event. What was Feeding with Reading? We hosted a special Story Time with local community members who are active in some aspect of feeding people in the community. The readers included our very own Theresa Makowski or TMAk as we like to call her. She is our Goodwill Americorps VISTA serving here to help end hunger in our community. Gene Ripley from Ripley Farms came with his family to share about growing vegetables and shared a wonderful story about farming with one amazing horse. And so Feeding with Reading would be complete without the wonderful rendition of "Stone Soup" read by SeDoMoCha 5th Grade ELA teacher Wendy Hutchins. Her 5th grade class will be doing a Read-A-Thon in October to raise food and other donations for local food cupboards!

Thompson Free lIbrary also waived library fees if you brought in a donation to the food cupboard for the week of September 24th-29th.

After reading kids and adults alike made pumpkin crafts, personalized trail mix, and enjoyed some fresh apples from Rowe's Orchard. TMak struggled with that pumpkin making craft, but the kids jumped right in and showed her the best way to make it picture perfect!

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